We are Tennesseans!

Wow! It’s been a long time since we’ve updated here. I welcomed Noah a month late and now we are six, SIX months later and I’m just now writing a new post. Well, a lot has happened. We have sold our home in Florida and moved to Tennessee, so that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! We have prayed about this for years. At one point I was against it and then, prayerfully, I reconsidered and God helped with that a lot. My heart totally changed and I was ready to move, pronto! But then God said, wait a minute and let Me set this up. “Let go, and let God”, right? It’s so much better when we do! I had such a peace about selling our home, moving away from family and all that we know (and my home town). Our family and friends might not have liked us leaving, but they were encouraging. And our church family, they were amazing and prayed us through this. Everything was easier and better than I would’ve imagined. We didn’t even get our first choice house and the one we did buy we love more than we though we would (and spent WAY less).

A little about our home now… we LOVE it! The neighborhood is peaceful. We have a wonderful view. Our neighbors are kind (and quiet). The kids love our yard and house (as do we). We have a nearby recreation trail that we ride bikes on regularly. During the summertime the local baseball team, the Greeneville Astros, have games with a free fireworks show that you can see from our home! Even though we are in a quiet, peaceful area, we are close to shopping and my in-laws too. The people in Greeneville are so nice! Everywhere we go people are pleasant and if I mention that we just moved I always hear “Welcome to Greeneville, you will love it here”. I’ve even already made friends with some ladies I met at the Y and a local mom’s group. Johnson City is nearby and has all of the big box type of stores and where we have to go if we want Panera or Chick-fil-a. You can bet if we go into JC that we get one or the other!

We have been pretty busy getting things done around the house lately. I’m slowly figuring out what colors I want to paint the interior and Bart is doing the outdoorsy, guy stuff. We got an invisible fence for Penny this past week and she’s getting it pretty quickly. We also got the fireplace inspected finally and had our first real fire (and there’s a need for it here, too). There’s something so relaxing about sitting by a crackling fire, especially when the kids are in bed! This week I started on painting the guest room. That’s a priority for me since the cabinets for our built in desks will be in this week. I want to get the guest room finished up so we can have company visit. That’s the only room that is out of sorts and the OCD in me needs it completed! Well, that’s about it for now. I’ll finish up with some photos of the kids. If you’re on my FB account you probably have seen them already.

First snow

First snow

Fun at the park

Fun at the park


Blake bird watching out our back door downstairs

Blake bird watching out of our back door downstairs

Tumbling class at the local YMCA

Tumbling class at the local YMCA